Monday, January 24, 2022

 Here is an ancient blog, ending more or less when my previous poodle's life did.  Now we are coming out of four years of Trump rule, which ended in treason, gingering up his fans to the point of actual armed insurrection. General mood has gone up from utterly horrified to somewhat less disgusted, but my friends'  optimism about the future seems misplaced.  Not only are the people who dressed up as Mighty Hunter Vikings & stormed the Capitol very much still around, so are the ones who encouraged them until they were out of control, the ones who sat back & let it happen, the ones who still, even then, wanted to say there were good people, albeit misguided, on both sides.  There are a lot of them.  They are very angry (at Trump, at Pence, at one another, & of course at the rest of us).  Anger like that doesn't dissipate.  It festers.  I admit I was cheered to see how the rioters scorned wearing masks & happily shouted in one another's faces; Darwin should be along any day now.  

Curiously enough, this almost gives me hope.  The good people of the Northeastern cities tend to believe that violence & fury & lynching are far in the past, except perhaps in Mississippi.  But my family lived in Mississippi, & I grew up in Maryland, & so did the engineer, full-time for him & a few years worth for me in a part of the state that is known for its beauty & seafood.  If you live there, add mosquitoes to the list; and an evil undercurrent that is still around from the days (not all that long ago) when lynchings happened in the open, & drew spectators.  Happy spectators.  There are photographs.  

I saw the same faces storming the Capitol.  It's not just the South, it's certainly not just the past, & it's not going away anytime soon.  But at least the tenderhearted can see that no one exaggerated one whit.  And by "no one," I do mean Black people, not just cynical middle-aged White people.  The difference between police behavior during domestic terrorism in DC & noisy but inoffensive, legal marchers in the streets this summer -- "oh, a few bad apples, the police were under stress after all" (we have friends who were arrested, & surely dealing with stress is part of policing?) -- should prove what some of us have said all along, that there are two (or more) worlds here.  Should prove: because of course it's done nothing of the sort.  

America is still America, & cellphone videos at least record some of the worst of it.  

Now we go back to Pericles, in one of his speeches to the Athenians: "And now the plague has come upon us, the one thing that was beyond [our] expectation."  But that's Thucydides, & therefore not really translatable; the words for "beyond expectation" also mean "greater than hope," & he meant both, of course.  Not my first time at this rodeo, especially in the early months, when AIDS prowled around the village every night & there was no way to defend against it or to know whom it would take next.  I remember that feeling well; it came back to me right after lockdown.  

The last person I spent time with in the office itself worked at the security desk, & was told he was "essential" (what were they guarding, with everyone working from home?).  But he was not given a mask ("they don't help & anyhow they must all go to the hospital employees" was the story we were given then), or a place to sit at a suitable distance from his co-worker & visitors, or decent ventilation, or safe transportation (the subway would have to do).  

Since he would be there & I wouldn't, I divided up my tea stash with him -- he was very fond of "proper tea," loose leaves, brewed in a pot, boiling water not just hot, in a real cup, not some paper abomination.  I told him where the teapots were kept & the strainers.  My kettle was still at home -- I'd taken it to New Orleans with me, so that we could have better coffee than the hotel provided -- but he said he knew where there was a "real" kettle in the kitchens upstairs, to which he had access.  He had gotten the baby in the New Orleans king cake for the second year in a row, & he showed it to me, wrapped up in a handkerchief with the first one & a few other small items; he carried the little bundle all the time, & he said he was a lucky man.  A couple of weeks later he was dead.

The epicenter last spring was a few blocks from here, the sirens & helicopters easy to hear even above the air conditioner, when the weather got warmer.  We wore masks, or at least bandanas, before it was required, & splashed hand sanitizer on our paws when we went down for the mail or touched the door to the elevator.  Just as well, because our older neighbors thought it was all nonsense.  The couple upstairs fell ill, & the husband died, & the same thing with the couple downstairs, & one couple on the first floor both died, & several people were very ill but recovered, & of course those are only the ones I know about, in this wing of this building.  We were both permitted to work from home, & we have a car, so we made grocery runs, or went in search of thermometers (that took some doing), for friends who were sick. Most recovered.  Sometimes it was a whole family, sometimes it was a friend tortured because he could not go comfort his dead uncle's family, half a mile away.  Once it was a young couple we knew, though the girl (the source of the infection) was refusing to admit it & of course there were no tests.  We went out & collected them in the car when he fainted on the street, & fed them, & calmed them, & took them home, & days later she had a raging fever & was very sick indeed for some time, & he had a milder case, & somehow it missed us.  We knew the risk, just as I knew the risks in the 1980s.  You do what needs doing.

Eventually, if you live long enough, you come to feel like Miss Marple, who has at some point in her long life seen, apparently, every variation on human wickedness or at least frailty, & brings all the old stories up to solve murders (though this seldom made sense -- an embezzling clerk 20 years before somehow gave her insight into a strangled nanny?).  Eventually you say, I remember the last riots, when I was a child, & the last plague, when I was young & still new to the city; be watchful, it isn't over yet.  

Last year, my therapist laughed & accused me of catastrophizing, I believe it was:  I should be careful or end up like one of his patients, who was terrified to fly because her brain conjured up all sorts of ghastly accidents that could happen.  And when I heard about the "novel coronavirus," my brain did that too, but I listened to my brain anyhow, & everything I feared & more happened.  How I would have loved to be wrong.  But at least, to the extent possible, we were prepared, at least materially.  I still have that fear, not for myself -- I've had a good run, I'd like to stick around, but my life has been occasionally disastrous, often foolish, & usually tremendously entertaining, so fair enough -- but for my people, my tribe, my real family.  

Yet we can't circle the wagons, we can't huddle in someone's cellar, we must stay distant.  I remember how in the early days of AIDS I had to get over my innate dislike of hugging, because my sick friends were starved for contact.  No risk there, at least, just the need to change my attitude, because it was necessary, & because, too often, there was no one else.  Unless someone has antibodies, we can't even do that now; we waggle our butts at one another like ducks getting out of a pond, or smack elbows together, or, rarely, say "fuck it," take a deep breath & grab onto the person who needs it, & not exhale until after we've held them for a moment & then backed away.  So far, so good.  Or perhaps like my fortunate friend with the gift for finding king cake babies, my luck runs out.  It no longer scares me for me, but for others ... yes, still, even though humanity is one great mass of awfulness, betrayal, deceit, greed (& those are just my friends).

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